Category: Plein Air

Reminder: Dario Falzon Oil Painting Workshop Plein Air – Sunday, 20th March 2022

Reminder: Dario Falzon Oil Painting Plein Air Workshop
Sunday, 20th March 2022

This is a reminder that we have a full day Plein Air Oil Painting Workshop with Dario Falzon on Sunday, the 20th of March 2022 from 10am – 4pm at Pugh’s Lagoon. Time is running out to book your enrolment!
Bookings close on the 18th of March.

Book now! Enrolment Form Here: Workshop-Enrolment-Form.pdf

Where: Pugh’s Lagoon
Workshop date: Sunday, 20th March 2022
Time: 10am – 4pm
Book by: Friday, 18th March 2022
$50 for Members and $55 for Non-members
Light morning tea with Tea & Coffee will be provided.
Please bring your own lunch.

Materials that you need to bring:

Oil Paint Colours: (Preferably Michael Harding. If not, Art Spectrum or equivalent will suffice)

  • Transparent Red Oxide (MH/AS)
  • Alizarin Crimson (MH/AS/AS alt.= Spectrum Crimson)
  • Cadmium yellow deep (MH/AS)
  • Cadmium yellow (MH/AS/AS alt = Spectrum yellow)
  • Yellow Ochre (MH/WN/AS)
  • Viridian (MH/AS alt = Spectrum Viridian)
  • Ultramarine Blue (MH/AS)
  • Cobalt Blue (MH/AS/AS alt = Spectrum Blue)
  • Titanium white

Palette knives: A large and small one.
Brushes: Hog bristles are fine. Everything from an 8 to a 12 size. Small liner brushes for detail.
Surfaces: Canvas panels are fine. Preferably size no bigger than 16″ X 12″.

If students want to create their own primed Masonite/MDF panels, Dario recommends using Michael Harding Non-Absorbant Acrylic Primer. It could also be applied to a commercial canvas panel to bring the surface closer to what he will be using.

Solvent: Option of preferably Pure Gum Turps, otherwise Odourless Solvent or Gamsol.
Easel: Freestanding with palette included. Disposable tear-off palettes are also acceptable.
Other: Paper towel, rags, small container for solvent.

To book or inquire please phone Annmaree 0429 234 873
and fill in the Enrolment Form here

Payment methods:
Option 1 – EFT Deposit to: Macquarie Towns Arts Society Inc
Bendigo Bank BSB: 633000 Acc: 156303562
N.B. Please label your transaction and email to info [@] that you have paid for the workshop
Option 2 – Mail Cheque with Form to P.O. BOX 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753
Option 3 – In person to a committee member or Richmond Art Supplies

oil painting

About Dario Falzon:

As a child Dario was always drawing and if he didn’t have pen and paper in hand it was an odd occurrence. This continued through much of his youth along with a strong interest in music and hip hop in particular.

In his late twenties he enrolled in a community college course studying the basics of art. Shortly thereafter he found the Julian Ashton Art School.

It was around this point in time that he began to fully appreciate an interest in landscape painting and began to seek out specific artists and workshops that could develop his skills.

A connection to nature is something that is important and part of his heritage. Art is a way to express this and share with others his appreciation.

You can see more of Dario’s brilliant works here:

Look forward to seeing you all there.

oil painting

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:

MTAS blog

Dario Falzon Oil Painting Workshop Plein Air – Sunday, 20th March 2022

Dario Falzon Oil Painting Plein Air Workshop
Sunday, 20th March 2022

We are excited to have a full day Plein Air Oil Painting Workshop with Dario Falzon on Sunday, 20th March 2022 from 10am – 4pm at Pugh’s Lagoon.

Book now! Enrolment Form here

Where: Pugh’s Lagoon
Workshop date: Sunday, 20th March 2022
Time: 10am – 4pm
Cost: $50 for Members and $55 for Non-members
Light morning tea with Tea & Coffee will be provided.
Please bring your own lunch.

Materials that you need to bring:

Oil Paint Colours: (Preferably Michael Harding. If not, Art Spectrum or equivalent will suffice)

  • Transparent Red Oxide (MH/AS)
  • Alizarin Crimson (MH/AS/AS alt.= Spectrum Crimson)
  • Cadmium yellow deep (MH/AS)
  • Cadmium yellow (MH/AS/AS alt = Spectrum yellow)
  • Yellow Ochre (MH/WN/AS)
  • Viridian (MH/AS alt = Spectrum Viridian)
  • Ultramarine Blue (MH/AS)
  • Cobalt Blue (MH/AS/AS alt = Spectrum Blue)
  • Titanium white

Palette knives: A large and small one.
Brushes: Hog bristles are fine. Everything from an 8 to a 12 size. Small liner brushes for detail.
Surfaces: Canvas panels are fine. Preferably size no bigger than 16″ X 12″.

If students want to create their own primed Masonite/MDF panels, Dario recommends using Michael Harding Non-Absorbant Acrylic Primer. It could also be applied to a commercial canvas panel to bring the surface closer to what he will be using.

Solvent: Option of preferably Pure Gum Turps, otherwise Odourless Solvent or Gamsol.
Easel: Freestanding with palette included. Disposable tear-off palettes are also acceptable.
Other: Paper towel, rags, small container for solvent.

To book or inquire please phone Annmaree 0429 234 873
and fill in the Enrolment Form here

Payment methods:
Option 1 – EFT Deposit to: Macquarie Towns Arts Society Inc
Bendigo Bank BSB: 633000 Acc: 156303562
N.B. Please label your transaction and email to info [@] that you have paid for the workshop
Option 2 – Mail Cheque with Form to P.O. BOX 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753
Option 3 – In person to a committee member or Richmond Art Supplies

oil painting

About Dario Falzon:

As a child Dario was always drawing and if he didn’t have pen and paper in hand it was an odd occurrence. This continued through much of his youth along with a strong interest in music and hip hop in particular.

In his late twenties he enrolled in a community college course studying the basics of art. Shortly thereafter he found the Julian Ashton Art School.

It was around this point in time that he began to fully appreciate an interest in landscape painting and began to seek out specific artists and workshops that could develop his skills.

A connection to nature is something that is important and part of his heritage. Art is a way to express this and share with others his appreciation.

You can see more of Dario’s brilliant works here:

Look forward to seeing you all there.

oil painting

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:

MTAS blog

CASS: Governor’s Garden Plein Air Day – Sunday, 6th June 2021

Combined Art Societies of Sydney
Governor’s Garden Plein Air Day
Sunday, 6th June 2021

The Combined Arts Societies of Sydney (CASS) have been participating in the Governor’s garden plein air days and the final opportunity will be on Sunday, June 6th 2021. If you are interested in attending the June event, please let Kym know on 0413 809 685 or email info [@] – from all reports of attendees on the other days, it’s a great day out painting and the house itself is well worth a look.

For more info you can check

Greg Hansell – Pastel Workshop – Sunday, 2nd May 2021

Greg Hansell – Pastel Workshop
Sunday, 2nd May 2021

We have a workshop with Greg Hansell on 2nd May for Pastel, 10am – 4pm.

We are excited to have a full day with Greg and experience his wonderful skills with Pastel’s. His own hand made pastels will feature in this workshop also.

Greg’s broad experience over many years always brings much insight and expertise in relation to composition, perspective and the use of the pastel medium.

In the morning Greg plans for the group to do a still life inside the Stan Steven’s studio to get started, and then weather permitting in the afternoon we will go outside the Deerubbin center into the garden and do some Plein Air.

Join us for a great opportunity to enjoy working with this gifted artist, meet with other like minded artists and hone your pastel skills, beginner to advanced.

Numbers are limited, so book now!

Where: Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.
Workshop date: Sunday, 2nd May 2021
Time: 10am – 4pm
Cost: $50 for Members and $55 for Non-members
Light morning tea and Tea & Coffee are provided.
Please bring your own lunch.

Nepean Art Society Plein Air Resuming this Thursday, 21st May

Nepean Art Society Plein Air Day Resumes
Yarramundi Reserve
this Thursday – 21st May

Great news! Nepean Art Society has scheduled a plein air day with the changed restrictions.

Re-commencing this Thursday, 21st May at the Yarramundi Reserve.
Social distancing still needs to be observed.
If there are more than 10 people, the group have to split between the north and south locations.

To get there: Take Castlereagh Road from Penrith to Agnes Banks. Coming into Agnes Banks, turn left into Springwood /Hawkesbury Road and continue towards Springwood and the Blue Mountains crossing the Nepean River. About 200m further after crossing the river bridge there is an entrance on the right into the North Reserve where there is adequate parking, toilet facilities and BBQ areas.

Meet down by the Grose River within the Reserve.

Any questions please ring Tony on 0410 624 918
For more info visit

Look forward to seeing you there! 

Plein Air at Streeton Lookout, Freemans Reach 16th June

MTAS Plein Air Painting at Streeton Lookout, Freemans Reach
Sunday, 16th June

You are invited to our next Plein Air Painting Day that will be held at Streeton Lookout, Freemans Reach this Sunday, 16th June.

Bring along your paints and drawing materials and your morning tea/picnic lunch. Join us for the beautiful scenery of Freemans Reach painted all those years ago by Arthur Streeton, after whom the lookout is named, and captured in his beautiful work “Purple noon’s transparent might”.

Arthur Streeton’s images celebrate the blue and gold palette of Australia’s sun-drenched landscape. In early 1896 Streeton travelled to the upper reaches of the Hawkesbury River, between Richmond Bridge and Windsor, where he was inspired by the expansive view looking towards the Blue Mountains. ‘The purple noon’s transparent might’ takes it’s title from a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley that embraces the natural world – sun, sky, water and mountains – and was painted in two days ‘during a shade temperature of 108 degrees’, in a state of ‘artistic intoxication with thoughts of Shelley in my mind’.

Come along and bring your friends.

Time: 9am to 3pm
When: Sunday, 16th June
Venue: Streeton Lookout, 542 Terrace Road, Freemans Reach
Bring: Your paints or drawing materials for en plein air, your morning tea and lunch

For more info contact Kym 0413 809 685 or

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