Tag: Members

Reminder: MTAS Membership Renewal

MTAS Membership is due!

For members who haven’t renewed their membership, please send through your renewals as soon as possible!

To renew, please print & complete our membership form: MTAS Membership Form PDF

There are two x A5 forms on the A4 page PDF for printing – one for you and one for a friend or for next year! (This is to try to help your printer to behave for the print out)

Every member needs to fill out a new form with their membership each year.

Membership allows you to exhibit with us, come to our monthly meetings, join in with our workshops and activities for the Member’s prices, and receive our Monthly newsletter. You can enjoy the company of like-minded artists and craftspeople and release your creativity!

You can return your form with fee to:

  • P.O. BOX 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753
  • Scan your filled-out form and email then EFT Bank Transfer the funds to MTAS
  • in-person to a Committee Member at a meeting
  • in person at Richmond Art Supplies, Shop 1, 328 Windsor St Richmond
  • (online renewal is currently not available but maybe soon)

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:

MTAS blog www.mtas.com.au/mtas-blog
Facebook www.facebook.com/MacquarieTownsArtsSociety
Instagram www.instagram.com/macquarietownsartssociety/
Youtube www.youtube.com/channel/UCNLJysmLa7yB1o-T77T1Pcw

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #mtasmembership #auartists 

MTAS Volunteers Needed for Duty on Hawkesbury Show 2024

Hawkesbury Show 2024
MTAS Volunteers Needed for Duty

Hi MTAS Members,

MTAS are the stewards each year for the Art Pavilion and we need volunteers from our Society to do duty. We need people to fill the roster on the following days please:

Friday, 19th April – we need 2 people for each shift:
9am – 1pm  
1pm – 5pm 
5pm – 9pm

Saturday, 20th April – we need 2 people for each shift:
9am – 1pm  
1pm – 5pm 
5pm – 9pm

Sunday, 21st April – we need 2 people for each shift:
9am – 1pm 
1pm – 5pm

Those who fill the duty positions will receive one free entry ticket on that date of the show.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you can help by emailing to info@mtas.com.au or calling Kym on 0413 809 685.

For more info about the Hawkesbury Show, please visit www.hawkesburyshowground.com.au.

Thank you. We look forward to seeing you there!

Reminder: MTAS Membership Renewal

MTAS Membership is due!

For members who haven’t renewed their membership, please send your renewals in!

Please note: It was voted at our last general meeting to raise our membership fees by $5 to help cover growing additional costs for the society.

To renew, please print & complete our new membership form: MTAS Membership form PDF.

There are two x A5 forms on the A4 page PDF for printing – one for you and one for a friend or for next year! (This is to try to help your printer to behave for the print out)

Every member needs to fill out a new form with their membership each year.

Membership allows you to exhibit with us, come to our monthly meetings, join in with our workshops and activities for the Member’s prices, and receive our Monthly newsletter. You can enjoy the company of like-minded artists and craftspeople and release your creativity!

You can return your form with fee to:

  • P.O. BOX 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753
  • Scan your filled-out form and email then EFT Bank Transfer the funds to MTAS
  • in-person to a Committee Member at a meeting
  • in person at Richmond Art Supplies, Shop 1, 328 Windsor St Richmond
  • (online renewal is currently not available but maybe soon)

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:

MTAS blog www.mtas.com.au/mtas-blog
Facebook www.facebook.com/MacquarieTownsArtsSociety
Instagram www.instagram.com/macquarietownsartssociety/
Youtube www.youtube.com/channel/UCNLJysmLa7yB1o-T77T1Pcw

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #mtasmembership #auartists 

Reminder: MTAS Membership Renewal is Due

MTAS Membership is due!

MTAS Yearly membership renews with the financial year, so please send your renewals in!

Please note: It was voted at our last general meeting to raise our membership fees by $5 to help cover growing additional costs for the society.

To renew, please print & complete our new membership form: MTAS Membership form PDF.

There are two x A5 forms on the A4 page PDF for printing – one for you and one for a friend or for next year! (This is to try to help your printer to behave for the print out)

Every member needs to fill out a new form with their membership each year.

Membership allows you to exhibit with us, come to our monthly meetings, join in with our workshops and activities for the Member’s prices, and receive our Monthly newsletter. You can enjoy the company of like-minded artists and craftspeople and release your creativity!

You can return your form with fee to:

  • P.O. BOX 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753
  • Scan your filled-out form and email then EFT Bank Transfer the funds to MTAS
  • in-person to a Committee Member at a meeting
  • in person at Richmond Art Supplies, Shop 1, 328 Windsor St Richmond
  • (online renewal is currently not available but maybe soon)

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:

MTAS blog www.mtas.com.au/mtas-blog
Facebook www.facebook.com/MacquarieTownsArtsSociety
Instagram www.instagram.com/macquarietownsartssociety/
Youtube www.youtube.com/channel/UCNLJysmLa7yB1o-T77T1Pcw

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #mtasmembership #auartists 

MTAS Membership Renewal is Due

MTAS Membership is due!

MTAS Yearly membership renews with the financial year, so please send your renewals this month!

Please note: It was voted at our last general meeting to raise our membership fees by $5 to help cover growing additional costs for the society.

To renew, please print & complete our new membership form: MTAS Membership form PDF.

There are two x A5 forms on the A4 page PDF for printing – one for you and one for a friend or for next year! (This is to try to help your printer to behave for the print out)

Every member needs to fill out a new form with their membership each year.

Membership allows you to exhibit with us, come to our monthly meetings, join in with our workshops and activities for the Member’s prices, and receive our Monthly newsletter. You can enjoy the company of like-minded artists and craftspeople and release your creativity!

You can return your form with fee to:

  • P.O. BOX 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753
  • Scan your filled-out form and email then EFT Bank Transfer the funds to MTAS
  • in-person to a Committee Member at a meeting
  • in person at Richmond Art Supplies, Shop 1, 328 Windsor St Richmond
  • (online renewal is currently not available but maybe soon)

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:

MTAS blog www.mtas.com.au/mtas-blog
Facebook www.facebook.com/MacquarieTownsArtsSociety
Instagram www.instagram.com/macquarietownsartssociety/
Youtube www.youtube.com/channel/UCNLJysmLa7yB1o-T77T1Pcw

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #mtasmembership #auartists 

More Volunteers for the Hawkesbury Show Roster

Hi MTAS Members,

We need some more people to fill the roster for Hawkesbury Show duty on the following days please:

Friday, 23rd April
5pm – 9pm – we need 3 more (we already have one but need 4 on duty for each time slot)

Saturday, 24th April
1.30pm – 5pm – we need 1 more please
5pm – 9pm – we need 2 more please

If we get your name in time, you will have A FREE ENTRY TICKET.

There will be an Entry Desk by the Main Door (old Photography position). You will watch/police those coming in and sell catalogues.

The Sales Desk will also be in its usual (exit) position. There will be Stewards (Gary Hudson, Kym Morris, Sheila Sharp + others) who will sit and help.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you can help.

Please Contact Sheila  0408 161 284 or  info [@] mtas.com.au with inquiries or to volunteer on the roster as soon as possible.

© 2025. "Macquarie Towns Arts Society". Site by sm.com