Tag: oil painting

Reminder: MTAS Full-Day Workshop with Bob Gurney – Sunday, 10th November 2024

Full-Day Workshop with Bob Gurney
Landscape Oil Painting
Sunday, 10th November 2024

Join us for a fun filled Full-Day Landscape Oil Painting Workshop with Bob Gurney on Sunday, 10th November 2024!

Suitable for members & guests of all levels. 

To secure your spot, please complete the enrolment form and send together with payment.

Title: Landscape Oil Painting Workshop
Date: Sunday, 10th November 2024
Time: 10am – 4pm
Venue: Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, 300 George St, Windsor
Price: $60 Members and $65 Non Members
Includes morning tea. Bring your own Lunch.
Materials: All students to supply own materials. Please see materials list with the enrolment form.

Download the Enrolment Form and Material List here: 
Enrolment Form
Material List

Payment methods:

Option 1: EFT Deposit to – Macquarie Towns Arts Society Inc
Bendigo Bank BSB: 633000 ACC: 156303562

N.B. Please label your transaction with your name. This form must also be returned either via
P.O. Box 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753 or emailed to info@mtas.com.au

Option 2: In person to a committee member or at Richmond Art Supplies

For more information, please contact Leigh on 0401 228 624.

About Bob Gurney:

Bob Gurney is a multi-award-winning, widely recognised artist whose works are held in private and corporate collections across Australia and internationally.

Recently, he won the prestigious “Best in Show Award” at the Oatley 101 Society of Artists Annual Members’ Exhibition 2024 for his stunning oil painting. This accolade further solidifies his talent and reputation, making him highly sought after for private commissions and for conducting demonstrations and leading workshops for art groups and community organisations.

Bob’s ability to connect with his audience, whether through his artwork or his teaching, has made him a beloved figure in the Australian art scene. He is also an avid “en plein air” painter, and he takes every opportunity to paint in the open air, finding inspiration in nature whenever time permits.

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #BobGurney #BobGurneyWorkshop #Workshop #LandscapeOilPaintingWorkshop #LandscapeOilPainting #OilPainting

Reminder: MTAS Full-Day Workshop with Bob Gurney – Sunday, 10th November 2024

Full-Day Workshop with Bob Gurney
Landscape Oil Painting
Sunday, 10th November 2024

Join us for a fun filled Full-Day Landscape Oil Painting Workshop with Bob Gurney on Sunday, 10th November 2024!

Suitable for members & guests of all levels. 

To secure your spot, please complete the enrolment form and send together with payment by Friday, 1st Nov 2024.

Title: Landscape Oil Painting Workshop
Date: Sunday, 10th November 2024
Time: 10am – 4pm
Venue: Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, 300 George St, Windsor
Price: $60 Members and $65 Non Members
Includes morning tea. Bring your own Lunch.
Materials: All students to supply own materials. Please see materials list with the enrolment form.

Download the Enrolment Form and Material List here: 
Enrolment Form
Material List

Payment methods:

Option 1: EFT Deposit to – Macquarie Towns Arts Society Inc
Bendigo Bank BSB: 633000 ACC: 156303562

N.B. Please label your transaction with your name. This form must also be returned either via
P.O. Box 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753 or emailed to info@mtas.com.au

Option 2: In person to a committee member or at Richmond Art Supplies

For more information, please contact Leigh on 0401 228 624.

About Bob Gurney:

Bob Gurney is a multi-award-winning, widely recognised artist whose works are held in private and corporate collections across Australia and internationally.

Recently, he won the prestigious “Best in Show Award” at the Oatley 101 Society of Artists Annual Members’ Exhibition 2024 for his stunning oil painting. This accolade further solidifies his talent and reputation, making him highly sought after for private commissions and for conducting demonstrations and leading workshops for art groups and community organisations.

Bob’s ability to connect with his audience, whether through his artwork or his teaching, has made him a beloved figure in the Australian art scene. He is also an avid “en plein air” painter, and he takes every opportunity to paint in the open air, finding inspiration in nature whenever time permits.

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #BobGurney #BobGurneyWorkshop #Workshop #LandscapeOilPaintingWorkshop #LandscapeOilPainting #OilPainting

MTAS Full-Day Workshop with Bob Gurney – Sunday, 10th November 2024

Full-Day Workshop with Bob Gurney
Landscape Oil Painting
Sunday, 10th November 2024

Join us for a fun filled Full-Day Landscape Oil Painting Workshop with Bob Gurney on Sunday, 10th November 2024!

Suitable for members & guests of all levels. 

Title: Landscape Oil Painting Workshop
Date: Sunday, 10th November 2024
Time: 10am – 4pm
Venue: Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, 300 George St, Windsor
Price: $60 Members and $65 Non Members
Includes morning tea. Bring your own Lunch.
Materials: All students to supply own materials. Please see materials list with the enrolment form.

Download the Enrolment Form and Material List here: 
Enrolment Form
Material List

To book please complete the enrolment form and send together with payment by 1st Nov 2024.

Payment methods:

Option 1: EFT Deposit to – Macquarie Towns Arts Society Inc
Bendigo Bank BSB: 633000 ACC: 156303562

N.B. Please label your transaction with your name. This form must also be returned either via
P.O. Box 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753 or emailed to info@mtas.com.au

Option 2: In person to a committee member or at Richmond Art Supplies

For more information, please contact Leigh on 0401 228 624.

About Bob Gurney:

Bob Gurney is a multi-award-winning, widely recognised artist whose works are held in private and corporate collections across Australia and internationally.

Recently, he won the prestigious “Best in Show Award” at the Oatley 101 Society of Artists Annual Members’ Exhibition 2024 for his stunning oil painting. This accolade further solidifies his talent and reputation, making him highly sought after for private commissions and for conducting demonstrations and leading workshops for art groups and community organisations.

Bob’s ability to connect with his audience, whether through his artwork or his teaching, has made him a beloved figure in the Australian art scene. He is also an avid “en plein air” painter, and he takes every opportunity to paint in the open air, finding inspiration in nature whenever time permits.

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #BobGurney #BobGurneyWorkshop #Workshop #LandscapeOilPaintingWorkshop #LandscapeOilPainting #OilPainting

Reminder: MTAS Monthly Demo Meeting – Oils with Jose Gutierrez, 13th February 2024

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Jose Gutierrez – Oils
 7.30pm, 13th February 2024

We are looking forward to welcoming Jose Gutierrez for our first monthly meeting of 2024 on February 13th, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor.

Come along to see Jose’s beautiful painting techniques in oil.

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Jose Gutierrez:

Jose Gutierrez received his fine arts training at a very young age in Chile. After 6 years of art studies, he joined a local advertising agency in Santiago where he became a graphic designer in his late teens.

In 1972, at age 27, Jose and his family migrated to Australia. He continued working in graphic design upon his arrival in the country and after 3 years of employment, he opened his own graphic design practice in Sydney. He has owned and managed this business for nearly 30 years.

Aside from his business activities, he continued painting and drawing. He attended art refreshers, workshops, and art classes – Bathurst Summer & Winter workshops, Royal Art Society, etc.

Jose also became a member of the Drummoyne Art Society (DAS), and is currently the President.

With DAS he has participated in many activities and exhibitions of the society. Jose is a passionate and motivated artist who enjoys teaching, painting, and discussing art. He now teaches classes using various mediums at gallery57, Concord.

His mediums of preference are oils, watercolours, acrylics, and drawing. He is also attracted to digital art, computer work, photography, and technology.

You can see more of Jose’s work here:

For inquiries about this demonstration, please phone Leigh at 0401 228 624.

Look forward to seeing you there!

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #joseguiterrez #demomeeting #joseguiterrezdemo #joseguiterrezartworks #AUartist #mtasdemomeeting

MTAS Monthly Demo Meeting – Oils with Jose Gutierrez, 13th February 2024

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Jose Gutierrez – Oils
 7.30pm, 13th February 2024

We are looking forward to welcoming Jose Gutierrez for our first monthly meeting of 2024 on February 13th, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor.

Come along to see Jose’s beautiful painting techniques in oil.

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Jose Gutierrez:

Jose Gutierrez received his fine arts training at a very young age in Chile. After 6 years of art studies, he joined a local advertising agency in Santiago where he became a graphic designer in his late teens.

In 1972, at age 27, Jose and his family migrated to Australia. He continued working in graphic design upon his arrival in the country and after 3 years of employment, he opened his own graphic design practice in Sydney. He has owned and managed this business for nearly 30 years.

Aside from his business activities, he continued painting and drawing. He attended art refreshers, workshops, and art classes – Bathurst Summer & Winter workshops, Royal Art Society, etc.

Jose also became a member of the Drummoyne Art Society (DAS), and is currently the President.

With DAS he has participated in many activities and exhibitions of the society. Jose is a passionate and motivated artist who enjoys teaching, painting, and discussing art. He now teaches classes using various mediums at gallery57, Concord.

His mediums of preference are oils, watercolours, acrylics, and drawing. He is also attracted to digital art, computer work, photography, and technology.

You can see more of Jose’s work here:

For inquiries about this demonstration, please phone Leigh at 0401 228 624.

Look forward to seeing you there!

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #joseguiterrez #demomeeting #joseguiterrezdemo #joseguiterrezartworks #AUartist #mtasdemomeeting

Reminder: Full-Day Workshop with David Lake – This Sunday, 29th Oct 2023

Full-Day Workshop with David Lake
“Landscape in Oils”
This Sunday, 29th October 2023 

Reminding everyone that we have a Full-Day oil painting workshop with David Lake this Sunday, 29th October 2023.

Enroll now to learn David’s wonderful techniques in creating his beautiful oil landscapes!
We have a few places left.

Date: Sunday, 29th October 2023
Time: 10am – 4pm
Venue: Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor
Price: $70 Members and $75 Non Member
Materials List: click here for PDF

Morning tea provided, Bring your own lunch.

For more info and enrolment please contact Leigh 0401 228 624 or email  info [@] mtas.com.au .

Payment methods:

Option 1 – EFT Deposit to: Macquarie Towns Arts Society Inc
Bendigo Bank BSB: 633000 Acc: 156303562
N.B. Please label your transaction and email to info [@] mtas.com.au that you have paid for the workshop.
Option 2 – Mail Cheque with Form to P.O. BOX 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753
Option 3 – In person to a committee member or Richmond Art Supplies

About David Lake:

David’s art career began in high school with an enthusiasm for both drawing and subsequently painting and was encouraged by his parents.

He worked initially with watercolours and painted birds and animals. However, it was the oil paints that held his attention, and that’s when he made the transition to painting landscapes.

David has been painting for more than thirty years, and on a full-time basis since 2002. Originally from Sydney, he now resides in the small town of Newbridge in the NSW central tablelands.

He has developed his own distinctive style that has won him awards and commendations since 1991, including the Combined Art Societies of Sydney – Artist of the Year for 2007, 2008, and 2009.

His paintings can be found in private and municipal collections in Australia and private collections overseas, including the UK, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, and the USA.

David is a Fellow of the Royal Art Society of New South Wales. He is also a member of the Oatley 101 Society of Artists and a participant on the Bathurst Arts Trail.

You can view more of David’s works at www.bathurstartstrail.com/david-lake/

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #davidlake #workshop #davidlakeworkshop #oilpaintingworkshop #davidlakeartworks #oilpainting #australianartist #artworks #AUartist

Full-Day Workshop with David Lake – Sunday, 29th Oct 2023

Full-Day Workshop with David Lake
“Landscape in Oils”
Sunday, 29th October 2023 

We have a Full-Day oil painting workshop with David Lake on Sunday, 29th October 2023.

Join us to learn David’s techniques in creating his beautiful oil landscapes.

Date: Sunday, 29th October 2023
Time: 10am – 4pm
Venue: Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor
Price: $70 Members and $75 Non Member

Morning tea provided, Bring your own lunch.
Materials List provided on enrollment.

For more info and enrolment please contact Leigh 0401 228 624 or email  info [@] mtas.com.au .

Payment methods:

Option 1 – EFT Deposit to: Macquarie Towns Arts Society Inc
Bendigo Bank BSB: 633000 Acc: 156303562
N.B. Please label your transaction and email to info [@] mtas.com.au that you have paid for the workshop.
Option 2 – Mail Cheque with Form to P.O. BOX 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753
Option 3 – In person to a committee member or Richmond Art Supplies

About David Lake:

David’s art career began in high school with an enthusiasm for both drawing and subsequently painting and was encouraged by his parents.

He worked initially with watercolours and painted birds and animals. However, it was the oil paints that held his attention, and that’s when he made the transition to painting landscapes.

David has been painting for more than thirty years, and on a full-time basis since 2002. Originally from Sydney, he now resides in the small town of Newbridge in the NSW central tablelands.

He has developed his own distinctive style that has won him awards and commendations since 1991, including the Combined Art Societies of Sydney – Artist of the Year for 2007, 2008, and 2009.

His paintings can be found in private and municipal collections in Australia and private collections overseas, including the UK, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, and the USA.

David is a Fellow of the Royal Art Society of New South Wales. He is also a member of the Oatley 101 Society of Artists and a participant on the Bathurst Arts Trail.

You can view more of David’s works at www.bathurstartstrail.com/david-lake/

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #davidlake #workshop #davidlakeworkshop #oilpaintingworkshop #davidlakeartworks #oilpainting #australianartist #artworks #AUartist

Monthly Demonstration Meeting 13th August- Stephen Travers – Realistic Oil Painting

Monthly Demonstration Meeting 13th August
Stephen Travers – Realistic Oil Painting

We are very happy to have Stephen Travers with us to demonstrate a Gymea Lily oil painting at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday, 13th August, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

In his work Stephen pursues areas which have always captured his imagination – the light, colour, shape and texture of the Australian natural environment.
To see more of Stephen’s work visit www.stephentraversart.com
Both Members and Non Members are welcome to join us for our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Entry is $5 for MTAS members and visitors (includes supper)

Please remember to park outside the car park due to early closure.

For inquiries phone Annmaree 0429 234 873

Look forward to seeing you there.

Reminder: Monthly Meeting & Demonstration 12th March – Dario Falzon – Oil Painting

oil paintingReminding all that the Monthly Meeting and Demonstration with Dario Falzon is coming up tomorrow, Tuesday 12th March, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

Dario will be talking through his process of taking a small gouache sketch into a larger oil painting. The scene will be a late afternoon by the river.

As a child Dario was always drawing and if he didn’t have pen and paper in hand it was an odd occurrence. This continued through much of his youth along with a strong interest in music and hip hop in particular.

In his late twenties he enrolled in a community college course studying the basics of art. Shortly thereafter he found the Julian Ashton Art School. It was around this point in time that he began to fully appreciate an interest in landscape painting and began to seek out specific artists and workshops that could develop his skills.

A connection to nature is something that is important and part of his heritage. Art is a way to express this and share with others his appreciation.

You can see more of Dario’s brilliant works here:

Look forward to seeing you all there.

oil painting

oil painting
Both members and non members are welcome to join us for our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Entry is $5 for MTAS members and visitors (includes supper)

Please remember to park outside the car park due to early closure.

For inquiries phone Annmaree 0429 234 873.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Monthly Meeting & Demonstration 12th March – Dario Falzon – Oil Painting

oil paintingWe are very happy to have Dario Falzon with us to demonstrate Oil Painting at our monthly meeting on Tuesday 12th March, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

Dario will be talking through his process of taking a small gouache sketch into a larger oil painting. The scene will be a late afternoon by the river.

As a child Dario was always drawing and if he didn’t have pen and paper in hand it was an odd occurrence. This continued through much of his youth along with a strong interest in music and hip hop in particular.

In his late twenties he enrolled in a community college course studying the basics of art. Shortly thereafter he found the Julian Ashton Art School. It was around this point in time that he began to fully appreciate an interest in landscape painting and began to seek out specific artists and workshops that could develop his skills.

A connection to nature is something that is important and part of his heritage. Art is a way to express this and share with others his appreciation.

You can see more of Dario’s brilliant works here:

Look forward to seeing you all there.

oil painting

oil painting
Both members and non members are welcome to join us for our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Entry is $5 for MTAS members and visitors (includes supper)

Please remember to park outside the car park due to early closure.

For inquiries phone Annmaree 0429 234 873.

Look forward to seeing you there.

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