Tag: pastels

Reminder: MTAS Monthly Demo Meeting Tonight, 8th Oct 2024 – Pastels with Sue Gasser

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Sue Gasser – Pastels
 7.30pm, 8th October 2024

Reminding everyone that we will have Sue Gasser for our monthly meeting tonight, 8th October, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor.

In her demonstration, Sue will showcase her techniques for creating beautiful works in pastel.

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Sue Gasser:

Sue Gasser has worked as an artist for most of her life, having shown her natural talent since childhood.

In her thirties, she was introduced to pastels when she completed and topped a Showcard and Ticketwriting course. Her teacher advised her to forget signwriting and ‘go’ with her art, so she started entering shows and, to her surprise, began making some sales.

Sue fell in love with using pastels because they bring out the softness and detail she seeks in her work. She also realised that she’s more of a ‘drawer’ than a painter, which is the technique pastels naturally lend themselves to.

Living in the Blue Mountains of NSW, Sue has plenty of subjects to paint, especially animals. She’s passionate about Australian subjects—the landscape, wildlife, Aussie dogs, and more. Her paintings, whether of wildlife or domestic animals, showcase her love for them by highlighting intricate details like fur and feathers.

Sue has had many successful exhibitions and has won numerous awards, including the prestigious Art Awards of Sydney. One of her paintings was even bought by the Blue Mountains City Council to give as a gift to the Mayor of Sanda, Japan.

Sue’s art is known not only in Australia but also in many countries around the world. She enjoys teaching budding artists and finds it fulfilling to help and motivate others.

For enquiries about this demonstration, please phone Leigh at 0401 228 624.

Look forward to seeing you there!

#MTAS #MacquarieTownsArtsSociety #SueGasser #DemoMeeting #SueGasserDemo #SueGasserArtworks #AUartist #MTASDemoMeeting

Reminder: MTAS Monthly Demo Meeting – Pastels with Sue Gasser, 8th October 2024

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Sue Gasser – Pastels
 7.30pm, 8th October 2024

Reminding everyone that we will be having Sue Gasser for our monthly meeting on Tuesday, 8th October, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor.

In her demonstration, Sue will showcase her techniques for creating beautiful works in pastel.

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Sue Gasser:

Sue Gasser has worked as an artist for most of her life, having shown her natural talent since childhood.

In her thirties, she was introduced to pastels when she completed and topped a Showcard and Ticketwriting course. Her teacher advised her to forget signwriting and ‘go’ with her art, so she started entering shows and, to her surprise, began making some sales.

Sue fell in love with using pastels because they bring out the softness and detail she seeks in her work. She also realised that she’s more of a ‘drawer’ than a painter, which is the technique pastels naturally lend themselves to.

Living in the Blue Mountains of NSW, Sue has plenty of subjects to paint, especially animals. She’s passionate about Australian subjects—the landscape, wildlife, Aussie dogs, and more. Her paintings, whether of wildlife or domestic animals, showcase her love for them by highlighting intricate details like fur and feathers.

Sue has had many successful exhibitions and has won numerous awards, including the prestigious Art Awards of Sydney. One of her paintings was even bought by the Blue Mountains City Council to give as a gift to the Mayor of Sanda, Japan.

Sue’s art is known not only in Australia but also in many countries around the world. She enjoys teaching budding artists and finds it fulfilling to help and motivate others.

For enquiries about this demonstration, please phone Leigh at 0401 228 624.

Look forward to seeing you there!

#MTAS #MacquarieTownsArtsSociety #SueGasser #DemoMeeting #SueGasserDemo #SueGasserArtworks #AUartist #MTASDemoMeeting

MTAS Monthly Demo Meeting – Pastels with Sue Gasser, 8th October 2024

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Sue Gasser – Pastels
 7.30pm, 8th October 2024

We are looking forward to having Sue Gasser for our monthly meeting on Tuesday, 8th October, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor.

In her demonstration, Sue will showcase her techniques for creating beautiful works in pastel.

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Sue Gasser:

Sue Gasser has worked as an artist for most of her life, having shown her natural talent since childhood.

In her thirties, she was introduced to pastels when she completed and topped a Showcard and Ticketwriting course. Her teacher advised her to forget signwriting and ‘go’ with her art, so she started entering shows and, to her surprise, began making some sales.

Sue fell in love with using pastels because they bring out the softness and detail she seeks in her work. She also realised that she’s more of a ‘drawer’ than a painter, which is the technique pastels naturally lend themselves to.

Living in the Blue Mountains of NSW, Sue has plenty of subjects to paint, especially animals. She’s passionate about Australian subjects—the landscape, wildlife, Aussie dogs, and more. Her paintings, whether of wildlife or domestic animals, showcase her love for them by highlighting intricate details like fur and feathers.

Sue has had many successful exhibitions and has won numerous awards, including the prestigious Art Awards of Sydney. One of her paintings was even bought by the Blue Mountains City Council to give as a gift to the Mayor of Sanda, Japan.

Sue’s art is known not only in Australia but also in many countries around the world. She enjoys teaching budding artists and finds it fulfilling to help and motivate others.

For enquiries about this demonstration, please phone Leigh at 0401 228 624.

Look forward to seeing you there!

#MTAS #MacquarieTownsArtsSociety #SueGasser #DemoMeeting #SueGasserDemo #SueGasserArtworks #AUartist #MTASDemoMeeting

“Animals in Pastels” Workshop with Taryn Malzard, 20th March

“Animals in Pastels” Workshop with Taryn Malzard


This weekend we have our All Day Pastel Workshop, Sunday 20th March with Taryn Malzard.

Non Members of the Arts Society are most welcome to attend also.

Workshop will be all day and covering “Animals in Pastels”

Date: Sunday 20th March
Time: 9.30am – 3.30pm
Venue: Yarramundi Community Centre, 54 Thornbill Way, Nepean Park Estate (off Springwood Rd)
Cost: $50 Members, $55 Non-members
Morning & Afternoon Tea Provided, BYO lunch.

Materials list will be provided closer to the date. A $10 deposit can secure a place in this workshop and full payment by or on the day.

Bookings are essential with Deidre Morrison on 0412 979 731 or book at an
MTAS event/meeting or at Richmond Art Supplies Art Shop, Magnolia Mall
Richmond, 02 4578 3555.

Here is some more information about Taryn Malzard:
Taryn’s award winning pastel artworks are notorious for their vast subject matter, vitality and realism. Her love of portraiture and the exploration of capturing character and personality gives her portrait work a life of their own. Taryn teaches regular term and workshop classes and welcomes new students of any level of ability.

More info: facebook.com/taryn.malzard

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