Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Joe Cartwright – Watercolours
7.30pm, 9th July 2024

Reminding all that we will have Joe Cartwright back for our monthly meeting on Tuesday, 9th July 2024, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor.
In his demonstration, Joe will showcase his techniques in watercolours.
Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.
Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Joe Cartwright:
Joe Cartwright is an Australian watercolour artist and has been painting and teaching watercolour for over 25 years. He has articles published about his work and techniques in the Australian Artist Magazine, Artist’s Palette, and Leisure Painter in the UK.
Joe has received over 90 awards for his work including the John Copes Watercolour Prize. He paints in a fluid and spontaneous manner. This allows him to capture the mood and atmosphere of his subject with a style that encourages the viewer to involve themselves with his work.
He covers a wide range of subjects, believing any concept can lead to an exciting work of art. He is always looking for an interesting viewpoint which he can bring to his audience allowing them to connect more closely to the world around them.
Joe enjoys teaching and has a successful YouTube channel where he can pass on his knowledge to others who want to learn this wonderful craft of watercolour painting.
You can find more of his works here:
Books: Mastering Watercolor – A Practical Guide Watercolor Step by Step
For enquiries about this demonstration, please phone Leigh at 0401 228 624.
Look forward to seeing you there!
#MTAS #MacquarieTownsArtsSociety #WatercolourArtist #JoeCartwright #DemoMeeting #JoeCartwrightDemo #JoeCartwrightArtworks #WatercolourArt #AUartist #MTASDemoMeeting