Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Andrea Marriette – Acrylics
7.30pm, 14th November 2023

Reminding all that we will have Andrea Marriette demonstrating Acrylics at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday, 14th November, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor.
Come along to see Andrea’s beautiful painting techniques.
Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.
Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Andrea Marriette:
Andrea Marriette is a full-time, award-winning artist who loves to express her visions on canvas with colour and texture using various mediums.
Many of her artworks have been sold throughout Australia, the USA, Europe, and by private collectors.
After leaving school Andrea spent 5 years learning & studying art and design through College and University in the UK. Over the years she has also painted murals in restaurants, and kids’ bedrooms, curated and designed artworks to decorate office spaces in Sydney and Melbourne, and has had paintings published in International magazines.
Andrea sees inspiration all around her and her creative list is always expanding. But most of her artworks are centered around her love and appreciation for nature, wildlife, and plants.
With nature, she’s instantly drawn to the colours, textures, and patterns. She then paints it as she envisages it through abstracts.
With birds, insects, animals, plants, and the occasional landscape she applies traditional fine art, understanding the direction of the light and mapping out the artwork to make sure the perspective and ratios are correct.
Andrea also creates figurative surreal artworks where her vision is to connect humanity more with nature in one artwork.
You can see more of Andrea’s work here:
For inquiries about this demonstration, please phone Leigh at 0401 228 624.
Look forward to seeing you there!
#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #AndreaMarriette #demomeeting #andreamarriettedemo #andreamarrietteartworks #AUartist #mtasdemomeeting