Reminder: MTAS Annual General Meeting & Talk with Diana Robson

MTAS Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, 12th Sept 2023, 7.30pm
Followed by Diana Robson from The Hawkesbury Regional Gallery

We will have our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, 12th September at 7.30pm and then there will be a presentation given by The Hawkesbury Regional Gallery director, Diana Robson.

Come along to form a quorum and vote even if you are not nominating for a role. It is always good to hear our Annual Reports and support your Society.

If you feel you could assist with Committee in any capacity big or small we always welcome more helping hands. It is a great experience helping a local community group that has been in operation for over 65 years in the Hawkesbury.

Support your Art Society and then join us after our AGM to learn more about The Regional Gallery.

Some information on our local Hawkesbury Regional Gallery:

The Hawkesbury Regional Gallery opened in 2005 and was part of a major upgrade of cultural facilities undertaken by Hawkesbury City Council. It is a prominent public gallery within North-Western Sydney and the NSW Regional Galleries network.

Curating a large proportion of exhibitions in-house, the program supports regional and NSW artists and brings new work to audiences.

They offer a changing and comprehensive program of classes in visual art including Life Drawing classes for adults, art and craft workshops for children as well as exhibitions in fine art, photography, and design, upholding Hawkesbury’s artistic and creative heritage while showcasing the new and original.

Some of their public programs include artists’ talks and workshops for all ages and after-school and holiday workshops for school-age children.

To know more about the Gallery, you can follow them on their site and socials:
Facebook: hawkesburygallery
Instagram: hawkesburyregional_gallery

Look forward to seeing you at our AGM!

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